• Beaucoup Candle Co.

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About Us

Beaucoup Candle Co. is a small batch aromatherapy home fragrance company. The focus is to deliver fragrances that support physical, emotional, and mental health. All of our product descriptions include the essential oils used and the most common aromatherapeutic use.

Our + line offers all the aromatherapeutic support and additionally are encrusted with crystals to maximize intentions and manifestation.

All of our wax products are made from plant based wax and therapeutic grade essential oils. This means they burn clean, which is safe for the environment and healthier for human respiratory system.

Good for your home and the environment

Customer Review

" I was recently gifted a wax melt set the smell was amazing and filled the entire kitchen! "


Customer Review

I'ts hard to find scents you can smell throughout the house without burning for a long time, but you can smell these almost instantly. I love how relaxing it is to just sit back and burn the aromatherapy wax after a long day.


Meet The Team


Welcome 👋🏽 and thank you for visiting Beaucoup Candle Co. At this time I am the whole team 😂. I started Beaucoup because I love candles and smell goods. However I've also suffered from migraines for most of my life. This can make scent shopping difficult.

As a science teacher I became interested in what exactly I was inhaling and if this could be making my headaches worst. I soon discovered that all candles are not made equally. Typical candles we find have an abundance of fragrance oils, waxes, wicks, etc that are actually releasing harmful toxins into the air and making their way into our bodies. Like most people I found myself with spare time due to the pandemic and boom Beaucoup was created. I wanted a candle that was more than just a smell, but offered scents that would be good for my well being and not hurt the environment